Concert Photography Plus

Manchester Cow Parade, Summer 2004

During June to September 2004, 157 life-size fibreglass cows were dotted around Manchester,
either singly or in small herds. These were painted by local artists, community groups and celebrities.
Most were easy to find but some weren't, and some were in buildings or shops making photos hard.
Most were then sold off to raise money for charity - similar parades have taken place in various cities
all around he world. We saw around two thirds of the Manchester cows, photographing most of those we saw,
however sometimes they were injured and taken to cow hospital never to reappear although some extra ones appeared!
They were originally all numbered and most had names that were in some way connected with being a cow.

001 - Udderly Comfortable

002 - Daisy Beckham

003 - The herdler Cowlin Jackson

004 - Johnny Milkinson

005 - Mootina Navratilova

006 - Olga Cowbut

007 - Arndale

022 - Manchester spaces

024 - Sarah

025 - Sacred cow

027 - Cosgrove Hall moovie

028 - Magic mootant cowch

029 - A cow attempting to deceive the butcher by pretending to be a fairground attraction

030 - Moston Moo

031 - Buzzin

032 - Silly cow

033 - The meercows

036 - Al Cowpone

037 - Locow-motion

040 - Moodunnit

041 - Krooner

042 - Precious

043 - Morris the cow

044 - Lowry cow

046 - Cow about town

047 - Summertime

048 - Cheezy

049 - Rainbow

050 - No 1 Balloon Street

053 - Mooers Moomalade

054 - Panto cow

055 - Moochelangelo

056 - Suburban cow

057 - City life exposed

059 - Nature powerful stuff

063 - Gaudi cow

064 - Susie the cow

069 - Jersey cow

070 - Fashion moovers

072 - Moovin'n'groovin'

074 - Ruby moo

075 - Udderly Klimt

076 - Bulldozer

077 - Ravin' Rita

078 - Alphabet cow

080 - Victoria

081 - Illuminata

082 - Replicant

083 - Bombay bovine

089 - Poetry in mootion

090 - Not an udder cow

092 - Urban cow

093 - Karmoo Sutra boy

094 - Karmoo Sutra girl

095 - Moodoo doll

096 - You Heifer - Plough-boy

097 - Niu Niu

098 - Moocunian

099 - Opera cow

100 - Cowscape

101 - Cosmic Daisy

102 - Lily

103 - This is Moochester

104 - Cowlebrity

105 - Imperial heifer

106 - The Cattle Of Britain

108 - Cow noir

110 - Mamma mooa

112 - Moonsoon

113 - Moosical cow

115 - Cowry

116 - Moo cow

117 - The caring cow

118 - Cow-moonity concultation cow

119 - Trojan cow

120 - Moo-n Light

121 - BBC G Moo R

122 - Black and white moovie

124 - Reflect the future

125 - Retail therapy

126 - Moonchester Evening News

127 - Miss Moonypenny

130 - Moostic Meg

131 - Flower cower

132 - Cownt on me

133 - Damooin Herdst

134 - Geraldine

136 - D-I-S-C-O-W

137 - Camooflage Cow

138 - Daisy Dee

139 - Lake Land Belle

140 - It's moodern art seaside rock candy

142 - Vivienne Westwood Cowture

143 - Mitie cool cow

144 - Cower bridge

145, 146, 147 - Brunty (there were three of them!)

151 - Chainamoon

152 - Mother cow and Shishu

153 - Veera the volunteera

155 - Rose

Deep sea cow

St George cow

Travelling on the 192 bus cow

Copyright Trevor Cotterell, 2017. Content may be reused with permission and credit - see below.


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Please respect copyright and contact C.P.P. if you wish to use any (larger sizes are available).

Anyone using photos for personal use is asked to consider what they are worth and donate that amount to charity.
Commercial businesses should contact C.P.P. to seek permission.